Students at Senior Cycle follow a two year programme leading to the Leaving Certificate Examination. Students will study seven subjects to Leaving Certificate. Gaeilge, English, Mathematics, together with four subjects from the following list; Applied Maths, History, Geography, Spanish, French, German, Home Economics, Business, Accounting, Economics, Art, Physics, Biology, Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Construction Studies, Design and Communication Graphics and Music. The non-examination subjects Religion, Career Guidance and Physical Education are also taken by students. Students, who qualify, can also complete the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) which incorporates modules in Enterprise Education, Preparation for the World of Work, Work Experience and a modern language.
We take a student centred approach to subject options with the opportunity being afforded to study an extensive curriculum. Students are advised well in advance of entering senior cycle and every opportunity is taken to ensure student preference is met resulting in the highest possible satisfaction rating.
All subjects are offered at all levels with students being encouraged to pursue subjects at higher levels. The new Leaving Certificate grading system introduced last year allocates marks from H1 - H7 and provides a broader opportunity to achieve. Students are afforded every opportunity to meet with Guidance teacher(s) for advice on college courses, application requirements and the multiple career options available.

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)
The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme is a self-contained two year Leaving Certificate Programme. It is based on the concepts of learning styles, achievement and excellence are broader than those of the established Leaving Certificate. It consists of three main elements, Vocational Preparation, Vocational Education and General Education. The course includes the following Vocational Preparation and Guidance, English and communications, Mathematical Applications, Social Education, Irish, European Language, Arts Education, Leisure and Recreation, Vocational Specialisms and Elective Modules.
The Course develops communication, creativity, decision making and self- appraisal skills. Assessments of tasks/allocation of credits are on-going and cumulative over two years. The final examination at the end of second year is added to the credits achieved during this two year course.