Leaving Certificate 2021
The portal is reopening for candidates to review and confirm their level selection and their choices of examinations, Accredited Grades or both for the 2021 Leaving Certificate for each subject in which they are entered. The Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP - Phase 2) will reopen at 12 noon on Tuesday 27 April and close at 6 pm on Friday 30 April.
The choices that you make at this time are extremely important. While you will be able to change your mind later on about whether you sit the examinations (with some limitations which are explained in the guide), the choices that you are going to make at this time are your final choices for Accredited Grades and you will not be able to make any changes after you make your final submission through the portal.
This Guide contains information about the importance of the choices that you now have to make; a Step-By-Step guide to the process; answers to some common questions; and details of how to get help.
Candidate Self Service Portal- Before You Start Guide Phase 2 2021.pdf
The SEC Candidate Portal helpdesk can be contacted at 1800-111135 or 1800-111136.