Crocus Project

3rd year and 6th year crocus project
Crocus Project

On Thursday 4th October 2018 Ms. Doyle’s 3rd year History group along with Ms. Clancy’s 6th year history group gathered at the front of the school to take part in the ‘Crocus Project’.

The project is an initiative of Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI) who ask us to plant yellow crocus bulbs at this time in memory of one and a half million Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust and as a result of Nazi atrocities. The crocuses will bloom towards the end of January around the time of international Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January.

Firstly we prepared the boxes for planting while Abbie O’Sullivan in 6th year spoke briefly about the Holocaust and the significance of the project. Next each person present placed a bulb in to the boxes which were then covered over with more peat. Finally a spot was chosen near the flag poles at the front of the school and marked with a sign made by Mr. Tobin.

Well done to all who took part in this event. If you would like to read more about this project please see the noticeboard in the canteen area.

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Coláiste Chill Mhantáin,
Co. Wicklow,
A67 TV21

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