Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

Our Lourdes students, Aoibhe Mitchell, Caitlin Power, Ellie Jameson, Emmet Ronan and Nathan Reynolds, accompanied by their teacher, Ms. Elaine Lyons, set off for their pilgrimage on Thursday morning, 5th September, alongside twenty-nine other schools from the Dublin Diocese. The students settled straight to work at the airport, meeting and helping the Very Important Pilgrims and helping them on their outward journey to Lourdes.

On Thursday evening, the students took part in some essential training before their first visit to the holy grotto and the basilica, which is the centrepiece of this beautiful place. A prayer reflection closed a hectic but enjoyable first day in Lourdes!

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On Friday morning, the students helped to bring the pilgrims to the grotto for the opening mass of the pilgrimage, led by the Archbishop of Dublin. That evening, they attended the Eucharistic Procession Mass which was held in the beautiful underground basilica before taking part in a table quiz with students from other schools.

A fun evening of meeting new friends was enjoyed by all, and it was even topped off with a trip for some ice cream on a rainy night!

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Saturday morning brought the news that Lourdes had been flooded overnight, but, with a slight change to the schedule, everyone worked really hard to keep spirits high during this uncertain time. After lunch the flooding had stopped, and it was back to the church for a beautiful Anointing of the Sick ceremony. Afterwards, the students created a guard of honour for the pilgrims, which brought huge smiles to their faces. That evening, students enjoyed a very moving mental health talk from one of the doctors travelling with the group and attended a medal ceremony for those who have been coming to Lourdes for many years. They even managed to find the time to do some souvenir shopping!

On a day full of surprises, the students showed great resilience as they got straight to work wherever they were needed and had an enjoyable day.

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On Sunday morning, the Youth Mass took place and all of the student helpers were at the forefront of this event, giving the pilgrims and leaders an opportunity to thank them for all of their hard work. The students took a tour of the beautiful Rosary Basilica and paid a visit to the grotto to collect holy water, such an integral part of the pilgrimage to Lourdes, for themselves and the many people back home who had asked for some.

On Sunday afternoon, the students attended a picnic for the Very Important Pilgrims who delivered beautiful renditions of 'Grace' and 'Molly Malone' and recited poetry. The picnic even celebrated a married couple on their 64th wedding anniversary. Our students joined some friends for a rousing rendition of 'Don't Stop Believing', with the deaf pilgrims particularly impressed with the sign language accompaniment.

That evening, students headed to the Torchlight Procession. All of our students worked tirelessly during this event, with a special shout-out to Ellie and Aoibhe who really went above and beyond for the pilgrim they were helping.

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On Monday, our students worked at the Closing Mass of the pilgrimage, a beautiful ceremony commemorating the final day of the pilgrimage. That evening, they attended the Pilgrims’ Farewell Party where there were lots of heart-warming and emotional speeches from pilgrims who have been visiting Lourdes for years. It was the students’ turn to lead the group in a prayer reflection that night on the theme of gratitude, and they spoke about how grateful they were for this incredible trip and the people they’d met along the way. They wished their fellow student helpers the best of luck in their exams in June and reminded them that all of their futures are still 'Unwritten'.

Following this, the students carried our school candle through the grotto and lit it for all of the members of our school community, both past and present. The night concluded with a singsong for all of the 'blue shirts', which was great fun and a lovely way to end the students’ time in such a special place.

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On Tuesday, the pilgrimage came to an end with a busy airport duty, ensuring the Very Important Pilgrims were returned to their families safe and sound.

Well done to Aoibhe, Caitlin, Ellie, Emmet and Nathan for all of their hard work. This pilgrimage doesn't just happen on the day they fly out, and the students had done lots of fundraising, spent a Saturday at training day and attended a Blessing of the Hands mass the week before flying to Lourdes. They are to be commended for their commitment, positivity and determination and are a credit to the school, their families and communities. Thank you, also, to Ms. Lyons for leading another hugely successful pilgrimage this year!

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Coláiste Chill Mhantáin,
Co. Wicklow,
A67 TV21

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