CCM School News 16-03-2023

CCM School News 16-03-2023


During Mental Health Awareness Week in CCM, 6-10 March, we were talking about the importance of mental health and raising awareness as part of Jigsaw's One Good School initiative. Each day students completed an online course, 'Let's Talk, Sure Why Not?', on mental health and the importance of talking about it. In addition, students were given the opportunity during the week to take a short break from their books and go outside to get some steps in for the CCM steps challenge.

Very well done to the OGS student representatives, James O'Donnell, Brann Morrissey, Chloe McEvoy and Aoife Treanor who helped to facilitate activities throughout the week. They were busy all week visiting classes and making announcements on Mental Health. On Tuesday, Chloe McEvoy gave the morning announcement and talked about Pieta House's Darkness into Light event and every student in the school received a sticker for their journal with the Jigsaw QR code giving them direct access to the information and help provided by Jigsaw, including the option to talk online with a clinician. The QR code is also on display in various places around the school.

On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcome Tommy and James from Trifactor Fitness to present to senior students on the importance of minding their mental health. They shared some personal experiences and coping mechanisms that the students found very helpful. Brann Morrissey gave the morning announcement and talked about Mental Health Ireland's '5 Steps to Wellbeing' initiative. Every student in the school received a bookmark with the 5 keywords associated with wellbeing which are Connect; Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.
'Thank Crunchie it's Friday' was Friday's theme thanks to Centra in Rathnew who sponsored a crunchie bar for every member of the school community to celebrate the end of the CCM Mental Health Awareness Week.Thank you to all the students who submitted posters on the theme of 'What do you do to keep positive?' They are now on display in the canteen area. Well done to the winners of the poster competition, Julia Grzesko, Caitlin Power and Noah Lorenz who were presented with Wicklow Town vouchers by Principal, Mr Donoghue.
Mental Health Awareness Week was a resounding success! Thank you sincerely to Ms Ann Chambers and the OGS committee for leading the initiative. It created a lovely, positive atmosphere in the school and opened up conversation about the importance of good mental health.
#Jigsaw #OneGoodSchool #PowersCentraRathnew #WicklowDIL #MentalHealthIreland #Trifactorfitness
Gach lá, the "nath an lae" comórtas was published in Staff News each morning with a junior, senior and staff winner each day. Uibheacha Chásca mar dhuaiseanna!
Ag am sos agus lóin, the student council members were on the corridors offering milseáin as an incentive to anyone who wished to share their "cúpla focail" with them.
The comórtas foirne was open to all staff, encouraging staff to use Gaeilge in class or during the day. Those who used the most frásaí or completed the liosta first were announced ar an Déardaoin.
Dé Luain, ag am sos, Irish music was played over the PE speakers in the gym, for everyone to enjoy in the canteen area. Dé Máirt, ag am lón, there was a tin whistle workshop in the music room at lunchtime, open to all staff and students. Dé Céadaoin, ag am sos, Irish music was again played over the PE speakers in the gym, for everyone to enjoy in the canteen area. Déardaoin, ag am Lón Gaeilge, all staff and students were welcome to the halla to enjoy a cupán tae, brioscaí agus cúpla focail.
Many thanks to the Irish Department for organising and facilitating Seachtain na Gaeilge this year Following its success, we will be starting a ciorcal comhrá on Thursday lunchtimes where we can have our lunch and a chat as Gaeilge, all staff and students welcome.
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Students attended a tin whistle workshop with Ms Travers during lunchtime on Tuesday, 14 March, to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. They thoroughly enjoyed playing the 'Kerry Polka' and eating a few brioscaí ! Many thanks to the students and the teachers who supported this musical workshop Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
On Tuesday, 14 March, sixty-four businessstudents from First, Second and Thirdyear took part in the European Money Quiz. This is a quiz run by the Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland and takes place online with schools from all over Ireland competing together for a place in the European Final in May. There was over thousand teams taking part in total. Alex Kane and Jack O’Sullivan made a podium appearance in fifth place during the quiz.
The final results for CCM sawAbbie Mae Delaney (2 Finn) and Patrick Adesola (1 Barrow) in first place, Ajay Heywood (1 Avoca) and Ashwin Murali (1 Bann) in second place and Eoin Michell (2 Barrow) and Jack Healy (2 Barrow) in thirdplace.Well done to all students involved. The next business event will see twenty students travelling to the RDS on Tuesday, 18 April, to take part in the Bank of Ireland Money Smarts Quiz.
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Students from Ms Noone's Third year Maths class took part in the IMTA Pi Day Junior Maths Competition in Glenart College on Tuesday, 14 March. The competition was based on the Junior Cycle Higher Level course. CCM entered three teams. CCM B came second out of nineteen teams, just two points behind the winning team. Well done to all involved.
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On Tuesday, 14 March, the TY students attended the Ger Carey TY Comedy Show in the Mermaid Arts Centre , Bray. The comedy show was a very good reflection of the teenage mindset . Ger delivered a 100-minute show to the TY students touching on many topics that affect their teenage lives, all done in a light-hearted and humorous manner. The students really enjoyed the experience and were very well behaved.
On Wednesday, 15 March, members of a visiting German group visited CCM with BOM members, Gail Dunne and Paul O’Brien. The group enjoyed a tour of the school and facilities, including a First Year presentation and a Sixth year role-play in the Library. This wasfollowed by some musical entertainment and refreshments in the Parents' Room.
A big well done to Ms Rossa's Third year baking students, Bonita Crowe and Stephen Joseph, who worked very hard on Wednesday morning making a delicious spread for the staffroom! Their baking skills have really improved and the staff enjoyed all the tasty treats.
We're delighted to announce that Cuan Beirne in TY has been selected as a member of the Ireland U20 extended training squad for Ultimate Frisbee. He will get the chance to train with the national U20 mixed squad and compete internationally with them at a tournament in May, in preparation for the European Championships in August in Italy. We are so proud of Cuan's achievement and looking forward to how much he is going to learn over the coming months!
Aug 26
Frist Year Induction Evening ( Parents & Students)
Aug 27
First Year induction & Classes
Aug 28
Second & Fifth Year students only
Aug 29
First, Third & Sixth Year only
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